The Bench Bar Historical Society of Santa Clara County

Founded in 1987, this group of lawyers and judges preserve and display the history of the Santa Clara County bench and bar.
It conducts oral histories, presents Then and Now Dinners, convenes the Court of Historical Inquiry, maintains a speakers
bureau, and creates permanent historical displays. (The BBHS is a separate 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is not formally
affiliated with the SCCBA.) See list of officers at the end of the page.
Our Mission
Our Mission is preserve the history of the legal profession in Santa Clara County and to educate attorneys and members
of the public about it. We organize annual events about the history of the legal profession in Santa Clara County and
conduct oral history interviews with local judges and attorneys that are archived locally.

Organization News Thursday June 13, 2013 Historic
Department 17 Old Santa Clara County Courthouse 161 North First Street San
Jose, California 12 noon to 1:15
p.m. Admission is free, but space is limited! Questions?
Contact Cathy Prouty 408-299-1386 cprouty@hopkinscarley.com Food and
drink are NOT allowed in the courthouse.
Winter 1846-1847 The members of
the Donner Party are snow bound in the Sierra Nevada. Seventeen try to cross the mountains on snowshoes, but are caught by
storms. Starving, they resort to cannibalism. But did they eat only the dead? Or did William Foster kill two members of “Snowshoe Party” in order to eat them? The Defendant: William Foster, A member of the Donner Party The
Alleged Victims: Luis and Salvador, two young Indian wards of Captain John Sutter, sent to assist in the rescue of the Donner
Board Members
Executive Board members of the BBHS
Tom Hogan, Esq., President Hon.
Paul Bernal, Past President Aana Pregliasco, Esq., Secretary Jennifer Cunneen, Esq. Treasurer
Board of Directors:
Mike Warren Phil Sims Hon. Paul Bernal Noel Gassett Willys Peck Christopher Arriola Jennifer Cunneen Hon. Philip Pennypacker Aana Pregliasco Tom Nolan